Krakow: The Best Attractions for tourists
Krakow: The Best Attractions for tourists Introduction: Krakowis a beautiful city with an amazing history. From the oldtown to the cathedrals and WWII concentration camps, there are plenty of things to see and do in Krakow. Here are the 10 best attractions for tourists in Krakow : Krakowis a World Heritage City. Krakow is a World Heritage City, which means that it has been awarded the distinction of being a city with a world-class UNESCO heritage. The city was founded in the late XI century by Prince Janusz I of Poland and his first wife, Kunigunda of Lithuania, as a fortified town to protect their joint territory from Rus' (the Russian Empire). Krakow quickly became one of the most important cultural centers in Europe and played an important role in the development of Polish culture. Krakow's world heritage status also allow sit to offer residents many unique benefits, such as freeaccess to its libraries, museums, and other historical attractions. Additionally, Krakow of...