Innovation in times of COVID-19


These days, it’s easy to focus on the negative. The spread of COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on the economies of countries and the health of their citizens. The novel aspect of this pandemic involves several unknowns and is likely to have a persistent impact for years to come. However, despite the current climate, InventHelp  I am somewhat comforted that the history of past pandemics and crises suggests an eventual recovery plan for the world.


Necessity is the mother of all invention. New creations emerge from disruption. I feel more optimistic seeing the massive creativity and initiative of people coming together to solve the problem through innovation. In particular, InventHelp Inventions three inspiring phenomena have caught my attention.


1. We can research, InventHelp Patent experiment and innovate quickly


While we cannot solve complex problems overnight, the involvement of businesses, universities, governments, non-profit organizations, InventHelp Innovation and individuals around the world has shown that society can very quickly focus on addressing the challenges that the world faces real world. The first investigations arising from universities and health agencies in China helped the rest of the world to understand the impact of the COVID-19 and scientific research efforts continue to increase worldwide. Healthcare workers are our lifesaving heroes, InventHelp Technology but they are also changing the way healthcare is delivered. Rapid test kits to detect the virus were developed in weeks, which detect COVID-19 in fifteen seconds. Meanwhile, InventHelp Inventors development of the vaccine is underway.


2. There is a greater focus InventHelp Idea on empathy and real-world problem solving


With COVID-19 we are seeing emerging innovations based on empathy for those around us. Organizations from multiple sectors are applying concepts such as design thinking, systems thinking and lean startups with the aim of using their human capital to solve problems quickly. This effort suggests that, InventHelp Invention Ideas in the future, other big real-world challenges could also be addressed with a sense of urgency through innovation. I have no doubt that if we keep this focus on customers and real world problems, we will start to see better products on the market and live in a better society.


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